Welkom in De Lichte Rijk waar de zuivering van Albedo onzuiverheden met levenswater wegwast.

Welcome to The Light Realm where the purification of Albedo washes away impurities with the water of life.
Blue Gold Butterfly€ 15,00
Blue Mystic Butterfly€ 15,50
Golden Wing€ 15,00
Multicolor Peacock€ 30,00
Red Heart€ 15,00
The Golden Child€ 10,00
V€ 15,00
White Diamond€ 15,00
Yemaya – Atargatis – Mermaid – Watra Mama – Mother Water€ 15,00
Golden Rose€ 15,00
Red Mystic Rose€ 20,00
Blue Mystic Rose€ 20,00
Pink Rose€ 15,00
Golden Turtle€ 15,00
Turtle€ 15,00
Swan Lovers€ 15,00
Mystic Cat€ 15,00
Dolphin€ 15,00
Stallion€ 15,00
Detailed Dotted Buttefly€ 15,00
Pony€ 15,00
Insect€ 15,00
The Golden Child€ 10,00
V€ 15,00
Yin & Yang€ 15,00
Music Note€ 15,00
Yemaya – Atargatis – Mermaid – Watra Mama – Mother Water€ 15,00
Red Heart€ 15,00
Golden Shell€ 15,00
Golden Heart Lock€ 15,00
Golden Sailor Wheel€ 15,00
Golden Key€ 10,00
Golden Star€ 15,00
Sacred Hand€ 15,00
Golden Feather€ 15,00
Feather€ 15,00
Crown€ 10,00

The Light Realm

The Red Realm

The Dark Realm

Colored Diamonds

Necklace Cords

Necklace Clips & Rings