Welkom in De Donkere Rijk waar Nigerdo het individu leidt naar zijn verborgen of verboden schat in de onderwereld. Er vindt een confrontatie plaats met zijn of haar schaduwkant. Echter is dit nodig om tot een groter gevoel van heelheid en balans te komen. Hierbij komt zelfacceptatie, wat leidt tot minder vooroordelen, meer accepteren van anderen en bescheidenheid.

Welcome to The Dark Realm where Nigerdo leads the individual to his hidden or forbidden treasure in the underworld. A confrontation takes place with his or her shadow side. However, this is necessary to achieve a greater sense of wholeness and balance. Added to this comes self-acceptance, which leads to less prejudice, more accepting of others and modesty.
Head Vampire Cross€ 44,00
Elegant Heart Cross€ 33,00
Posh Goth Cross€ 30,00
Ishtar – Lilith – Mother of Vampires€ 30,00
Ishtar – Lilith – Mother of Vampires Silver€ 30,00
Death Butterfly€ 30,00
Black Coffin€ 30,00
Red Coffin€ 30,00
Blood Bat€ 30,00
Mystic Red Heart€ 30,00
Mystic Blue Heart€ 30,00
Hanging Bat€ 20,00
Silver Bat€ 20,00
Black Bat€ 20,00
Gold Bat€ 20,00
Psychic Looking Into Crystal Ball€ 15,00
Baron Samedi Skull€ 15,00
DÃa de los Muertos Skeleton€ 15,00
Grinning Skull€ 15,00
Forbidden Fruit€ 15,00
Skeleton€ 15,00
Full Skeleton€ 15,00
Skull N Bones€ 15,00
Baron Samedi Skull€ 15,00
DÃa de los Muertos Skeleton€ 15,00
Grinning Skull€ 15,00
Mystic Figures
Psychic Looking Into Crystal Ball€ 15,00
Brewing Witch€ 15,00
Flying Witch€ 10,00
Possessed Pumkin€ 15,00
Ishtar – Lilith – Mother of Vampires€ 30,00
Ishtar – Lilith – Mother of Vampires Silver€ 30,00
Sacred Objects
Posh Goth Cross€ 30,00
Head Vampire Cross€ 44,00
Wicked Pumpkin€ 15,00
Tiny Pumpkin€ 7,00
Carriage€ 15,00
Tooth€ 15,00
Wisdom Tooth€ 15,00
Black Coffin€ 30,00
Red Coffin€ 30,00
Mystic Animals
Full Skeleton€ 15,00
Spider€ 15,00
Web with Spider€ 15,00
Hanging Bat€ 20,00
Silver Bat€ 20,00
Black Bat€ 20,00
Gold Bat€ 20,00
Death Butterfly€ 30,00
Blood Bat€ 30,00

The Dark Realm

The Light Realm

The Red Realm

Colored Diamonds

Necklace Cords

Necklace Clips & Rings