Welkom in De Rode Rijk waar, met Rubedo, verlicht bewustzijn wordt bereikt en geest en materie één wordt. Op dit punt ondekt het individu zijn of haar ware met innerlijk zonnekracht, passie, verbinding en manifestatie kracht.

Welcome in The Red Realm where, with Rubedo, enlightened consciousness is achieved and spirit and material become one. At this point the individual discovers his true self with inner sun power, passion, connection and manifestation power.
The Pharaoh€ 15,00
Anubis€ 20,00
Full Body King Tutankhamun€ 30,00
King Tut€ 30,00
Pharaoh€ 30,00
Multicolor King Tutankhamun€ 30,00
Multicolor Full Body King Tutankhamun€ 30,00
Silver Anubis€ 20,00
The Native Aboriginal€ 30,00
Silver Queen Neferneferuaten Nefertari€ 20,00
Silver Queen Nefertari€ 30,00
Golden Queen Nefertari€ 30,00
Queen Nefertari in Sacred Circle Silver€ 20,00
Queen Nefertari in Sacred Circle€ 25,00
Queen Hatshepsut€ 30,00
Multicolor Queen Hatshepsut€ 30,00
Multicolor Isis€ 30,00
Multicolor Queen Neferneferuaten Nefertari€ 30,00
Detailed Ankh€ 25,00
Detailed Silver Ankh€ 25,00
Silver Ankh Small€ 10,00
Silver Ankh Large€ 30,00
Silver Ankh Medium€ 20,00
Golden Ankh€ 15,00
Mystic Eye€ 15,00
Eye of Horus in Sacred Circle€ 20,00
All Seeing Eye in Circle€ 30,00
All Seeing Eye Silver€ 20,00
All Seeing Eye in Pyramid€ 20,00
Bronze Eye of Horus€ 30,00
Golden Eye of Horus€ 30,00
Silver Eye of Horus€ 30,00
Multicolor Eye of Horus€ 30,00
Sacred Animals
The Staff of Mercury – Caduceus symbol€ 20,00
Scarab Beetle€ 30,00
Multicolor Cobra Snake€ 30,00
Multicolor Cobra€ 30,00
Multicolor Snake€ 30,00
Golden Cobra€ 30,00

The Red Realm

The Dark Realm

The Light Realm

Colored Diamonds

Necklace Cords

Necklace Clips & Rings